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About the Conflict Checker

Everything you need to know about our due diligence tool.

Luciana COLLINET avatar
Written by Luciana COLLINET
Updated over a week ago

Conflict Checker

Jus Connect is revolutionizing how we gather information on arbitrators and how quickly we conduct conflict checks.

Conflict Checker allows users to instantly identify current and past relationships between individuals, firms and states. This feature provides a simpler and more efficient due diligence mechanism, thereby mitigating or avoiding conflicts of interest.

Conflict Checker landing page, including search bar to look for relationships between individuals, firms and states.

πŸ‘‰ What database does the Conflict Checker rely on?

The Conflict Checker relies on a Jus Mundi database, which is the most comprehensive database of international arbitration awards and case-related documents and information.

πŸ‘‰ Why is the Conflict Checker important to my due diligence search?

The toolΒ is the most comprehensive and time-efficient way for you to quickly gather information on arbitrators and check for potential conflicts of interest.

The Conflict Checker provides users with a comprehensive list of relationships between the individuals involved in any given case, whether the relationship is recent, old, direct, or indirect.

Given that parties can conduct a conflict search for both direct and indirect relationships, the scope of searchable relationships is much broader than the scenarios set out in the IBA Guidelines on Conflict of Interest in International Arbitration.

πŸ‘‰ What relationships can I verify using the Conflict Checker?

A direct relationship is one between two individuals, an individual and a firm, or an individual and a State involved in the same arbitration document.

An indirect relationship means that the law firm (current or former) of an individual in question, or other individuals who have worked or are working for the firm or State in question, have been involved in the same arbitration case.

πŸ‘‰ Who should use the Conflict Checker?

  • If you are a lawyer: to confirm that no conflict of interest exists with an arbitrator you wish to appoint or with an arbitrator an opposing party wishes to appoint;

  • If you are a co-arbitrator:Β to confirm that no conflict of interest exists with an arbitrator you wish to nominate as the president or chairman of the tribunal; and

  • To confirm an arbitrator's caseload.

πŸ‘‰ How to use the Conflict Checker?

First of all, you can check the relationship between two individuals; you can choose arbitrators, lawyers, experts or tribunal's secretaries.

Here's an example of a conflict check between two arbitrators, Bernard Hanotiau and Yves Derains:

Conflict Checker results page, showing direct relationships identified between Bernard Hanotiau and Yves Derains.

In the description section, the role of both individuals is displayed (arbitrator), the link between them is explained, and each case is hyperlinked. By clicking on "indirect" and un-checking "direct", only indirect relationships will be displayed.

The same research can be done between an individual and a law firm. Click on "law firm" to type the name of a law firm. Let's do a research between Jean E. Kalicki and Allen & Overy.

Conflict Checker results page, showing direct relationships identified between Jean E. Kalicki and Allen & Overy.

Finally, the research can be also done between an individual and a State.

 Conflict Checker results page, showing direct relationships identified between Yas Banifatemi and Egypt.

❓ Tutorial video

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