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About Jus Mundi Search Engine

Everything you need to know about our Search Engine

Luciana COLLINET avatar
Written by Luciana COLLINET
Updated over a week ago

➡️ About the Search Engine

Our high-speed multilingual search engine is powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning helping you to make quick and comprehensive legal research within all documents of our database.

➡️ How does the smart search engine work?

Each paragraph of each document is structured and qualified in order to enhance the quality of a search. As a result, the search goes beyond keywords inputted by the user. The most relevant paragraphs of a case or a treaty are directly displayed on the result page so that you don’t have to review each document in its entirety. Click on the relevant paragraph to go directly to the relevant portion of the document.

➡️ How to start using the Search Engine

To start your research, use the middle search bar from the main page, or start your research with our filters and not with a query. Click on treaties or international cases on the main page to access the filters. You can also use the top search bar at any time from any page.

➡️ How do we display search results?

Once you enter your search term(s), Jus Mundi displays each pertinent result with the name of the case, type of decision, and date. Only the most relevant paragraphs and provisions of the resultant document are displayed for each result.

  • You can sort by relevance or by recent or least recent

  • The results are displayed by dataset: treaties are in blue, international cases in green, rules of arbitration in yellow, and publications are in purple.

  • Our search engine identifies relevant portions of documents beyond your keywords. An information bubble, marked with the letter “i”, in the right corner of the search results will indicate that the document displayed in the search results may be relevant to your search, even though the document contains no keywords of the search entry.

  • To review more relevant portions of the resultant documents, click on the “show more” button.

To go directly to the paragraph, page, or provision from the search results, click on the desired paragraph, page, or article number respectively.

If you want to see the document in its entirety, just click on the case name or the treaty title.

➡️ How to use complex queries?

➡️ How to use the Proximity Search: NEAR/X

The NEAR search allows the specified words at a maximum distance in the text of the document. You can specify a maximum distance of words in a phrase.

Example: Type "corruption" NEAR/20 "red flags" in the search bar:

In the search result, these two terms are less than 20 words apart from each other. By default, the NEAR search is set to 30 words when you don’t define the distance. Rather than searching in the whole document, you can now search the two terms used in the same paragraph/section by the tribunal.

➡️ How to use the Exact Search

If you would like to turn stemming off and thus exclude grammatical variations of your search terms, you may use the exact search feature by clicking on the target icon at the right side of the search bar. Ex: use this feature to find documents containing the term “treaty shopped” and to exclude all other forms of this term such as “treaty shopper”.

Exact search deactivated:

Exact search activated:

➡️ How to use the quotations marks (" ")

If you would like to search for a specific expression, in the exact way you entered it into the search bar, combine the exact search feature with quotation marks (“ ”). Your results will contain this exact expression in the order it appears in the search bar and with the exact spelling you have entered. Ex: use this feature to find documents containing the expression “derivative claims” in this order and spelling. Using this technique will filter out other results such as “derives from claims”.

Exact search deactivated + quotation marks:

Exact search activated + quotation marks:

➡️ How to use the NOT/AND/OR

  • If you are looking for one term but want to exclude another term that is closely related, you may use the connector NOT in the search bar. Ex: use this feature to find documents containing “abuse of process” but not “treaty shopping” by entering “’abuse of process’ NOT ‘treaty shopping’”.

  • If you would like to combine two terms, you may use the connector AND in the search bar connecting the two terms you are interested in. Ex: use this feature to find documents containing “abuse of process” and “treaty shopping” by entering “’abuse of process’ AND ‘treaty shopping’”.

  • If you are looking for two interchangeable terms, you may use the connector OR in the search bar connecting the two terms you are interested in. Results will show documents containing either of these two search terms. Ex: use this feature to find documents containing “abuse of process” or “treaty shopping” by entering “’abuse of process’ OR ‘treaty shopping’”

➡️ Can I look up documents in different languages?

Yes! Around 20% of investment arbitration awards are not available in English. Jus Mundi allows you to search for documents in English or French (the two languages that activate our multilingual feature) to receive multilingual results. To select the multilingual feature and alternate between English or French, click on the “EN” icon in the search bar. By activating this feature and entering your search in English or French, you will receive relevant search results in all languages available in our database, including English, French, Spanish, and many other!

The search bar is not limited to any one language. Outside of the two multilingual feature languages (English or French), an entry in any other language, Spanish, German, Russian, etc., would generate search results in that language, i.e. Spanish, German, Russian, etc. respectively.

➡️ Still have questions regarding our Search Engine?

We have created a user-friendly tutorial video on how to use our Search Engine.

👇 See below

... or contact us on the live chat on the bottom-right corner of the page!

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