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ICC X Jus Mundi Partnership

Everything you need to know about this incredible partnership between ICC and Jus Mundi.

Luciana COLLINET avatar
Written by Luciana COLLINET
Updated over a week ago

  • ICC is the institutional representative of more than 45 million companies in over 100 countries. Their mission is to make business work for everyone, every day, everywhere.

  • Throughout its 100-year history, ICC has brought global business together to support an international rules-based order, including the promotion of global trade and commerce through the work of the ICC International Court of Arbitration.

  • You can also have a look at our Wiki Notes about the ICC

πŸ‘‰ What is the partnership between ICC and Jus Mundi about?

  • ICC has partnered with Jus Mundi to provide full public access to all publishable ICC International Court of Arbitration awards and related documents made as of 1 January 2019.

πŸ‘‰ Why did ICC choose Jus Mundi?

  • ICC chose Jus Mundi to publish non-confidential ICC arbitral awards because Jus Mundi is the world's most comprehensive research engine in international law and arbitration.

  • Unlike other legal publishers, Jus Mundi allows any person with an internet connection to have access to all its documents in international law and arbitration, without a subscription. Jus Mundi believes access to international law and arbitration materials should be for everybody, not behind a paywall.

  • ICC and Jus Mundi share the same ideal: peace and prosperity through law. Jus Mundi is proud of this partnership that will make international arbitration, investment, and trade law more accessible to legal professionals and economic actors around the world.

πŸ‘‰ But why are ICC arbitral awards being made public, aren't the awards supposed to be confidential?

  • In January 2019, ICC made the following policy change in its Note to the Parties and the Arbitral Tribunals on the Conduct of Arbitration under the ICC Rules of Arbitration – link here

"Publicising and disseminating information about arbitration has been one of ICC’s commitments since its creation and an instrumental factor in facilitating the development of trade worldwide.”

  • This statement is repeated at pinpoint 56 in the latest 2021 Note to the Parties and the Arbitral Tribunals on the Conduct of Arbitration under the ICC Rules of Arbitration - link here

πŸ‘‰ Can I find the award in another place?

  • The public can use Jus Mundi as the first point of official access to find all publishable ICC International Court of Arbitration awards and related documents made as of 1 January 2019.

πŸ‘‰ Are all ICC awards going to published?

  • No, pseudonymization and publication under the ICC & Jus Mundi partnership are only conducted on ICC arbitral awards made as of 1 January 2019 where all parties have first consented to publication, and where ICC signs off on the final pseudonymized version of the award.

πŸ‘‰ Why are other ICC awards published already on Jus Mundi, made before 1 January 2019?

  • Jus Mundi does host other ICC awards gathered from other domestic or arbitral processes, and from earlier consenting parties.

πŸ‘‰ What is pseudonymization? How does it work?

  • Pseudonymization is the partially automated replacement of personally identifying information in a written text, with a non-identifying word or numeral sequence. For example, "Jane Smith" would be replaced with "Person 1".

  • Any personal data in the awards and related documents is redacted via pseudonymization or anonymization where appropriate. This ensures that only necessary and pre-approved details and names are published in the public domain. The name and details of arbitrators and the name and city of parties’ law firms are not redacted.

  • The computer-aided results of pseudonymization are checked and verified by the Jus Mundi legal team before the ICC International Court of Arbitration signs off on final publication.

πŸ‘‰ How often will Jus Mundi add ICC awards to its database under the partnership?

  • Whenever ICC determines the parties to an award made after 1 January 2019 have consented to publication, pseudonymization will occur and Jus Mundi will publish such an award.

πŸ‘‰ Who has access to the original PDF of the award?

  • As pseudonymization occurs to protect any personal data in the awards deemed unnecessary to include, the original PDF of an ICC award will not be published.

  • Only the pseudonymized version of an ICC award approved by the ICC International Court of Arbitration will be published under this partnership, available to everyone, everywhere.

  • The "Jus Mundi" version of the PDF will be freely available to the public to download (i.e. people without a login), as well as users of Jus Mundi (i.e. people with a login).

πŸ‘‰ Can anyone with an internet connection access the ICC awards under this partnership?

  • Yes, users do not need to create an account on Jus Mundi to access the ICC awards under this partnership. Anyone with an internet connection may view the ICC awards under this partnership.

πŸ‘‰ Where can I find the documents published under this partnership with the ICC?

  • All documents contributed under this partnership can be identified with a tag displayed on the right side of the case information that says: This document was contributed under the ICC x Jus Mundi Partnership.

❗ IMPORTANT: If users wish to use Jus Mundi's advanced AI research tools to make better use of ICC arbitral awards beyond the free open access provided, they are encouraged to sign up for the demo account on the Jus Mundi home page.

☎️ If you have any other questions about our partnership with the ICC, do not hesitate to use our live chat, or contact our Care department ([email protected])

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