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About States Profiles

Everything you need to know about States Profiles

Agustin Ciraolo avatar
Written by Agustin Ciraolo
Updated over a week ago

➡️ How to access States Profiles?

There are two ways to access Jus Mundi’s States Profiles.

The first is from the search engine. If you are doing a research, and are interested in accessing the State Profile for a state involved in a case, you will find it hyperlinked in the information of the case displayed at the top of the page, under the case name.

Another way to access is by scrolling down from any Jus Mundi page, at the bottom of the page, under Product, you will find the link for States Profiles.

Once clicked, you will find a hyperlinked list with all states that have documents on Jus Mundi. By clicking on the state’s name, you will access their State Profile.

➡️ What is a State Profile?

Once you’ve selected a State from the hyperlinked list or clicked from a case page, you will see an overview including the number of treaties in which this state is a signatory available on Jus Mundi, the number of international cases in which this state is a party, divided into types of cases, available on Jus Mundi, as well as the pending status of these cases.

You will also see how many international law practitioners (who have acted as arbitrators, counsel, or secretaries in the same cases as this State) were involved in a case where the State was also involved:


Latest Documents & List of Treaties

Scrolling down, you can find this state’s latest treaties available on Jus Mundi by clicking on the “Treaties” button, as well as a list of all the treaties available on Jus Mundi with their adoption date, name, status, and type of treaty. This list can also be accessed from the top of the State Profile page by clicking on “List of Treaties.”


Latest Documents

In order to see the latest cases in which a state is a party, you must click on the “Cases” button above the Latest Documents textbox:

Case Analytics

By scrolling down in “Cases”, you will also find analytics for this state displayed in graphs, including the breakdown of the type, status, and economic sector of cases, as well as the Tribunal, Court or institution, and Applicable Treaties to this state’s cases. You may also access these analytics from the top of the State Profile page by clicking on “See Cases Analytics.”

By hovering over each element of the pie chart, you will see the number of cases. By clicking on “Show all”, you will see the complete classification of the pie chart’s legend.

List of Cases

Scrolling further down, you will find the list of all cases available in Jus Mundi in which this state is a party, along with its date, role, case, type, institution, and status. You may also use the search bar on the top right of the subsection to search for a specific case.

List of Arbitrators and Counsel

Towards the bottom of the page, below “List of Cases”, you will find the list of international law practitioner(s) who acted as arbitrators, counsel, or secretaries in the same cases as this State.

These are divided into categories, to see practitioners who acted as counsel, click on the “Counsel” button above the list. You may also use the search bar on the top right of the subsection to search for a specific individual.

You can also access the List of Arbitrators from the top of the State Profile page by clicking on “List of Arbitrators and Counsel.”

Jus Mundi is currently working on listing the experts as well, and that feature will be available soon.

⚠️ It is important to point out that the information extracted from documents referenced on Jus Mundi is by no means exhaustive. Our profiles include States that are not current member State of the United Nations or that do not exist anymore.

❗ If you have any other queries about States Profiles, do not hesitate to use our live chat, or contact our Care department ([email protected])

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