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What is Jus Connect?

Learn more about our data-driven platform, designed for better arbitration professional selection.

Mariana Coelho Silva avatar
Written by Mariana Coelho Silva
Updated over a week ago

About Jus Connect

Jus Connect is the world’s first professional network for arbitration. The platform helps you to easily find the best Arbitrator, Lawyer, Expert, Tribunal Secretary or Firm for your case. You have access to data-backed profiles, which include analytics on caseload, work experience, industries, etc.

Our network is built solely on factual and validated information, so you can be sure that your search results are of the highest quality.

Jus Connect landing page, displaying a selection of legal filters and multiple profile cards in a feed section.

👉 How can I access Jus Connect on the website?

Whenever you hover over the Jus Mundi logo on the top left-hand side corner of any page on the platform, you will find the option to switch to Jus Connect.

Jus Mundi landing page, which includes access to Jus Connect via the top navigation bar.

Another access point to Jus Connect can be found by clicking on "All Products" on the top menu bar and then selecting one of Jus Connect's tools from the dropdown.

Product menu featuring Jus Mundi and Jus Connect tools such as profile search and Conflict Checker.

👉 How can I search on Jus Connect?

1️⃣ I am looking for a specific profile 👀

If you are on Jus Connect's search page, you can use the search bar to look for the name of the practitioner, firm or institution that you are trying to find. By clicking on their name, you will be taken directly to the relevant profile page.

For instance, say you want to look for Dechert's profile. You can access it by typing-in the firm's name on the search bar and clicking a result to be taken directly to their Jus Connect profile page.

Jus Connect search bar with ‘Dechert’ firm name written as a search query and auto-complete suggestions.

Jus Connect firm profile, including firm name, logo, description of legal services, number of cases and practitioners.

2️⃣ I am not looking for a specific profile 👀

If you do not have any particular practitioner, firm or institution in mind yet, you can use the filters available to narrow down your search results. In just a couple of seconds, you will be able to find the most suitable profile for your case! ⌛

We have profiles on Arbitrators, Lawyers, Legal Experts, Experts, Tribunal Secretaries, Law and Expert Firms, as well as Institutions. Within these categories, you will find that you can:

Filter by profile details

Filter by case experience

  • Language

  • Gender

  • Bar admission

  • Firm

  • Nationality

  • Location

  • 'Accepting mandates as'

  • Distinctions & Panel

  • Type of case

  • Industry

  • Applicable law

  • Applicable treaty

  • Tribunal/Court/Institution

  • Seat of arbitration

  • Rules of arbitration

🔎 Description of each filter:

Remember that the filters some filters are exclusive for practitioner search.

  • Profile type:

This filter allows you to select Arbitrators, Lawyers, Legal Experts, Experts, Tribunal Secretaries, Law and Expert Firms or Institutions which have acted in arbitration cases known to Jus Mundi.

Whenever you select one of the categories from the filters, you will find that the sub-filters will rearrange accordingly.

  • Language:

If you are only looking for practitioners that speak a certain language, you can always use this filter to narrow down your search results.

For example, by selecting “English”, you will only see individuals that speak English. However, if you select "English" + "French”, only practitioners who speak both English and French will appear in your search results.

  • Gender:

This filter allows you to find individuals from a specific gender (either male or female) - it can be a handy tool if you would like to ensure a more diverse arbitration panel.

  • Nationality:

This filter enables you to either “Include” or "Exclude” any given nationality. For example, if you want to see legal practitioners that have French nationality, you can simply select "French" to see all the individuals with this nationality.

You can also select more than one nationality - just keep in mind that if you choose Argentinean, Brazilian and French, for instance, you will see legal practitioners that have either an Argentinian or Brazilian or French nationality (and not those who have all three nationalities at once).

Jus Connect search engine, with ‘Nationality’ filter open, 'French' as selected value and button for excluding nationalities.

If, on the other hand, you want to exclude a certain nationality (e.g., French) from your search results, you can always activate the "Exclude selected nationalities" slide bar and then click on "French".

When using the "Exclude" feature, remember that if you select more than one nationality at a time, the practitioners that appear will be those that do not have any of those nationalities. This means that you will choose to exclude Argentinians and Brazilians, and French, for example.

  • Firm

This filter displays the individual’s last place of work, as known to Jus Mundi. This information is extracted from our case documents and also from individuals’ self-declared work experience on their profiles.

For instance, if a legal professional worked at White & Case and has now moved to Allen & Overy, you will only find their profile if you select “Allen & Overy” as a filter.

  • Location

➡️ Firms: shows all the firm’s offices mentioned on our case documents.

➡️ Legal practitioners: shows the individual’s last place of work as known to Jus Mundi.

Remember that if you select different locations at once, you will see all the legal professionals and firms that were tagged to one or the other location.

  • Type of case:

This filter allows you to look for legal practitioners/firms that have experience working with certain types of cases, which include: Commercial Arbitration, Inter-State, Investor-State cases and more.

  • Industry:

You can choose a general Industry or a more specific one to narrow down your search results. For example, you can select “Agriculture, forestry and fishing" as a whole (which encompasses all of this sector) or just "Forestry and Logging" to see all individuals and firms that have worked specifically in this field.

Note: we have created this list internally by combining different international standards, our users’ needs and our cases’ content.

Jus Connect search engine, with different levels of ‘Industry’ filters selected.

  • Applicable law

This filter concerns the law governing the merits of the dispute and allows you to look for legal practitioners/firms that have experience with a particular applicable law.

Note: regarding the United States, you can also apply this filter for the different States within the country.

  • Applicable treaty

By selecting this filter, you will be able to choose among multilateral agreements, free trade agreements and bilateral investment agreements. We have a comprehensive list that includes treaties like the NAFTA, Energy Charter, WTO Agreement, and many more.

  • Tribunal/Court/Institution

You can also filter your search results by different institutions such as ICC, IBA, ICJ, ICSID, and others by browsing through our options.

  • Rules of arbitration

Here you can look for a general set of rules of arbitration or more specific ones. For example, when typing in “ICC (International Chamber of Commerce)”, you will find results for the general ICC set of rules of arbitration, but also for the ICC Pre-Arbitral Referee Rules 1990 and the ICC Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration 1957.

❓Can I use more than one filter at once?

Definitely. The more filters you add, the more thorough and specific your research will be. Mixing & matching filters will allow you to:

✔ Save time when doing your due diligence.

✔ Get more precise results regarding your specific requirements for legal practitioners/firms.

❓Do I need a subscription to search on Jus Connect?

Yes. You do need a subscription to use our intelligent filters and to access our data-backed analytics on firms and practitioners. If you want to find out more on how to easily do your due diligence on our platform, do not hesitate to write us!

❓Will profile owners be notified when I research or view their profile?

No. Your search history is private and anonymous, and no one will be notified if you search or view a professional's Jus Connect profile.

❗ If you have any other queries about Jus Connect, do not hesitate to use our live chat or contact our Care department at [email protected].

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